Master Chorale of South Florida

MCSF: Introduction


The website for the Master Chorale of South Florida (MCSF) is a relatively simple Squarespace site that includes standard content and e-commerce.  Nevertheless, a study of the site's users and design can yield significant improvements to the experience and an increase in ticket sales.

This study was conducted from August - October, 2017. I continue to update the site up to the present.

Before and After


Problems identified

  1. The ticket purchasing experience is far from optimal

  2. The site does not address important factors about the target user audiences

NOTE: the Chorale experience goes beyond the site into print and social media.

Business Goals

The Master Chorale is composed of non-professional singers that perform for the love of it.  Supporting the Chorale must still be run as a non-profit business, as it has considerable costs to purchase music, rent practice space, pay for staff (artistic director, accompanist, administrator), hire guest soloists and musicians, etc.

High-level goal: Support itself and the arts community in South Florida

  1. Earn money through ticket sales, being hired for performances of other groups, and donations

  2. Encourage people to join the Chorale


NEXT: User Personas